“Oh, my gosh, I will NEVER be able to do that!” That was my go-to expression when viewing postures...
Author - Katy Henderson
King Pigeon
Eka Pada Rajakapotasana King Pigeon pose is beautiful and incredibly intense, stretching the...
Yoganatomy: Bow Pose
Dhanurasana (don-your-AHS-anna) Remember all those years your mom told you to stand up...
Yoganatomy: Invigorate Yourself with Bridge Pose
This pose strengthens the core, lower body and spine. Bridge pose can also stimulate the endocrine...
Yoganatomy: Forward Fold
Uttanasana (OOT-tan-AHS-ahna)Start standing with feet hip width or wider. Inhale, sweeping the arms...
Yoganatomy: Find Your Inner Child’s Pose
Bālāsana Think of this pose as the fetal position of yoga postures. Child’s pose is useful at...
Yoganatomy: Pool Positions
Yoga—on wet or dry land—tones muscles, improves bone density and relieves stress and symptoms of...