Let’s talk, woman to woman. Have you gotten your mammogram yet? Estimates say 1 in 8 women will get...
Author - Kim O'Brien Root
What to Plant Now for a Yummy Summer Garden
This is the perfect time to start planning your summer garden, if you haven’t already. By taking...
Let the Arrival of Spring Inspire the Poet in You
Some of my favorite lines of poetry always seem to pop into my head this time of year, when the...
Williams Syndrome: The Boy Who Loved Too Much
Q&A with Jennifer Latson Can you imagine being incapable of distrust? Of seeing everyone as a...
Learning to Love What’s Good for Us
I have a confession to make. I don’t like to exercise. I’ve never liked it, honestly. Even way back...
Book Look: A Beautiful Morning
Living mindfully is a way to honor and care for ourselves.So says author Ashley Ellington Brown...
Thinking About Designer Babies with CRISPR?
It’s amazing to think that with one snip of a gene, scientists could change the color of someone’s...
Copy, Cut, Paste: How Far Should Gene Editing Go?
The most important science story you may have never heard of is one you need to know about.A few...
CBD Oil: The New “It” Drug?
If you think CBD oil is just the latest health fad, like avocado toast or putting butter in your...
Don’t Waste a Second! Time is Fleeting
How often do you stop to think about time? We complain there’s not enough of it. We get bored if we...
Does Gaming Help or Hurt Children’s Cognitive and Social Skills?
I’m half-heartedly paying attention to my 10-year-old son playing a game on the Xbox, watching him...
4 Ways to Help Avoid Stillbirth
Know your risk factors Talk to your doctor to see if you meet certain risk factors that could put...
Issues You Should Be Talking About
It seems as though every month, we’re celebrating or recognizing some cause. Even individual days...
Ending the Silence on Stillbirth
Shannon Renfro was worried when she went into the hospital to give birth to her second child. For...
Humanity is Resilient Just Like the Survivor Tree
A Callery pear tree stands in Manhattan where the Twin Towers once stood. Unlike the dozens of...
The Summer is the Time to Live in the Now
There was a blog post making the rounds of social media recently titled “We only have 18 summers...
A Brighter Future for Brain Surgery
As far as surgeries go, brain surgery might be the oldest of the practiced medical arts, with...
Unlocking the Keys to Our Past
I always loved having an Irish last name — so much so that when I got married, I...
Taking Care of Our Mental Health
When you think about your health, what do you think of? Eating well? Taking vitamins? Hitting the...
The Daunting Discontinuation of Antidepressants
After two years of being on the antidepressant Celexa following a period of unbelievable stress in...