As a mature adult, I’ve always wanted straight teeth, but I dread the “teenage metal-mouth look.”...
Author - Lisa Marie Samaha, D.D.S
New Natural Sedative for Dental Visits
I have a serious fear of the dentist and have had to take prescription drugs to...
Is Gum Disease Contagious?
Yes, in fact, both tooth decay and periodontal disease are bacterial infections and are highly...
Understanding Holistic Dentistry
The term “holistic dentistry” has been around for decades, but is gaining steam due to the...
Can Dentists Help People Who Snore?
There are some dentists who have acquired the advanced training to treat snoring and sleep apnea...
Mouth Bacteria Can Contribute to Other Diseases
Yes. The mouth contains the most aggressive bacteria that regularly inhabit the human body and is...
Will Cavities Heal on Their Own?
Have you ever been in a dental chair during your routine exam and heard your dentist say to the...
When the Economy Bites, Teeth Suffer
As the economy staggers, more and more people are putting off taking care of their dental needs...
Is There a Snorer in the House?
Anyone who sleeps next to someone who snores knows this—snoring can range from being mildly...