Author - Health Journal

Linwood’s Tomatoes

Written By Sammy Hutchison Linwood was my father’s friend. He passed away when I was very young...

Think Inside The Box

Written by Sandra C. Liebler “During World War II, for health and economic reasons, Americans were...

Walk It Off!

Written By Thomas W. Clark, M.D. Your Walking Plan for Success Walking — it’s one of the best...

Medicare & Me

Written By Sandra C. Liebler When at last we are sure you’ve been properly pilled, then a few paper...

Fight Back with Flax

Written By Tami Hulcher Conquer illness with flax and other sources of omega-3 fatty acids What...

The Track & the Bean Lady

Written By Ellen M. Lambert An exercise in reflection. It was a crystal-clear, breezy fall day when...

The Food Factor

Written by Mark S. Smith, D.C Modified Diet Can Improve AD/HD Symptoms in Children  Many parents...

Care Connection-May 2012

Written by Katie Gilstrap Q: As a care-giver to my elderly parents, I am beginning to notice...

Worst List Takes a Powder

Written by Skip Miller I remember the day well: An early April edition sprinkled with just a tinge...

Lynn Hamilton Ellis

Interview by Alison Johnson Dr. Mark E. Ellis always felt like he was “playing with house money,”...

Best of Summer Survey!

Click here to take our Best of Summer survey a your chance to win a cash prize!…

Cradling Hope

Written by Alison Johnson Recent data shows progress in lowering Virginia’s prematurity rates...