I go to the dentist for my regular checkups. All of a sudden, I have a few cavities. How does that happen?
It is great that you go to the dentist regularly. When the dentist does find new cavities or decay, it is good to evaluate what has changed in the last 6-12 months.
Was the dentist watching any areas on your teeth? If so, it might not be surprising if cavities popped up.
A number of things can cause the condition of your teeth to change quickly. Did you change your frequency of eating or drinking acidic and/or carbohydrate- containing items? When you sip or graze on snacks, the number of “exposures” increases. The rate of decay is directly related to this. It is better to eat and drink during a sitting rather than consuming over a long period of time.
Are you pregnant or suffering from sleep apnea? Both of these can increase the risk of acid reflux. The acid is toxic to the tooth structure, causing an increased risk of cavities.
Were there any new health concerns or surgeries that prevented you from caring for your teeth? The mix of a medical status change and lack of care can cause sudden changes in the conditions of the mouth.
All of these things should be considered when there is a dramatic change in your oral health. Continue to see your dentist every 4-6 months to catch things before they become more costly or painful.