Can CBD Treat GERD and Acid Reflux?

Did you know CBD oil could help with GERD and acid reflux?

Have you ever experienced heartburn after eating, especially after having spicy foods? You are not alone. Statistics show that 1 in 10 Americans experience Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), which is closely related to the symptoms of heartburn. If you are like most people, you’ve probably tried over-the-counter medications without much success and may be looking for a more natural and healthier approach. You may have wondered can CBD treat GERD and Acid Reflux?

CBD oil therapy can be an effective treatment for many health issues, including gastrointestinal problems such as acid reflux disease.

What Exactly is GERD?

 Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) happens when the stomach acid content frequently flows back up into the esophagus — the tube connecting the mouth and the stomach. This acid reflux causes irritation in the lining of your esophagus.

When the digestion is normal, the the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxes so that the food can enter the stomach. It then narrows to prevent both the stomach acid and food from coming back up into the esophagus.

GERD occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter is weak or doesn’t relax appropriately, allowing the stomach contents to back up into the esophageal. The heartburn that you experience is as a result of discomfort caused by reflux of the stomach contents to the esophagus.

There are a few ways to treat GERD. One is to avoid foods that you know make it worse, especially known culprits such as alcohol and caffeine. Another way to treat GERD is with prescription medication or over-the-counter medicines. However, many of these prescriptions can have adverse side effects.

There is another method to try — CBD oil.

Can CBD Treat GERD and Acid Reflux?

 Every human body has an endocannabinoid system (ECS), which has many functions including sensations, memory, pain perception, etc. Specifically, the ECS exhibits anti-secretory effects on gastric acid as well as mitigates inflammation and damage of the mucous membranes that most GERD patients experience.

When the CBD reacts with the endocannabinoid system, it reduces the secretion of acids that would otherwise cause actual burn when dealing with the symptoms of GERD.

Research done by a Swedish scientist suggests that when certain cannabinoid receptors are activated, they produce pain-relieving effects, including in the gastrointestinal tract. This shows that cannabinoids found in medical marijuana can play an essential role in treating acid reflux disease.

CBD interacts with the soft muscle tissues of the gastrointestinal system. It soothes and calms the peristalsis that moves waste and food. It also modulates the LES to minimize spasms and irregular functions.

WHO is Looking at the Benefits of CBD

Furthermore, in a 2018 report, the World Health Organization (WHO) through its Expert Committee on Drug Dependence said that they were exploring CBD for its potential anti-epileptic, anxiolytic, neuroprotective, anti-psychotic, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-asthmatic and analgesic properties.

If you’ve decided to try CBD to treat GERD, it’s advisable to use CBD oil sublingually with tinctures or capsules as opposed to smoking, which can lead to further irritation.  




Samuel Njoroge: Samuel is a freelance writer, blogger, and marketer. He creates 100% original and high-quality contents that have positively impacted many readers over the last few years. He excels in health, technology and marketing topics.