7 Reasons You Should Join a Running Club

Advice – Members of local running clubs have as much as a half-century or more of running experience, and are glad to share it with novice and advanced runners alike, everything from training to running shoes, injury prevention, favorite running routes, best races, best sports medicine doctors, physical therapists or massage therapists, suggested running stores, along with general fitness, health and nutritional advice.

Competition – Each of the area running clubs has its own Grand Prix series, with anywhere from 10 to 20 or more races counting in the annual standings, and gives out award plaques, gift certificates, T-shirts or caps, etc. to the award winners. In addition, 2016 is the start of the Hampton Roads Super Grand Prix, a series of 12 races, four of the best races from each of the three major area running organizations, the Colonial Road Runners, Peninsula Track Club, and Tidewater Striders. There is also a twice-a-year, age graded competition between the joint CRR-PTC team and the Striders team with, a 10K in the spring, and  a 10-miler in the fall.

Membership – Open to all, regardless of age, sex, ethnicity, speed, or ability, from the fastest gazelles to the slowest turtles, runners, joggers and walkers alike. No initiation fees, no interviews, no country club dues, just pay as little as $15 per year per individual, or $20 per family. No requirements beyond paying dues annually. No work obligations, although volunteering at races can be rewarding and fun. Often there are membership discounts from local running stores, sporting goods stores, bike shops and fitness centers. A 15% discount on a $100 pair of running shoes alone can pay for the membership dues.

Resources – All local running clubs have websites complete with race schedules, race entry forms, results, photos, Grand Prix standings, course records, course maps, running routes, workout schedules, etc. You can also subscribe to club newsletters, email lists, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

Hassle-Free Races – Although the mega events, with thousands of runners, are exciting, they are also expensive, have traffic and parking hassles, long lines for porta-johns, crowded starts, and crowded race courses. In contrast, many local running club races are professionally organized, averaging 100-300 runners— large enough to generate a festive atmosphere, but small enough to be hassle-free.

Social Opportunities – Make new friends at many running club social activities, including annual awards banquets; monthly or quarterly membership meetings with featured speakers; picnics; parties; and social events at local restaurants or sports bars, sporting events, etc.

Group Workouts – There are daily and weekly workouts throughout the Hampton Roads area where anywhere from a half dozen to several hundred runners congregate for 5K runs or longer; choices include evening runs, morning runs, Saturday long runs, interval workouts, track workouts, and fun runs.

Want to join a running club?

Here are three major running clubs in the Hampton Roads area:

Colonial Road Runners
(James City County, Williamsburg, York County, Yorktown)
President: Rick Platt (757-229-7375 or cell 757-345-1431).
Email: rickplatt1@juno.com

Peninsula Track Club
(Virginia Peninsula—Hampton, Newport News, Poquoson, York County, Yorktown)
President: Joe Harney (cell 757-810-0928)
Email: harneyjoe@hotmail.com

Tidewater Striders
(South Hampton Roads—Chesapeake, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Virginia Beach)
President: Steve Shapiro (work 757-726-6246)
Email: membership@tidewaterstriders.com or races@tidewaterstriders.com
Races: Dan Edwards (757-495-3551)

Rick Platt: Rick Platt is a regular contributor to The Health Journal. After his failed attempt to qualify for the U.S. Olympic Trials Marathon, Platt never again attempted the full 26.2-mile marathon distance. But in the 30+ years since that time, he has completed over 60 half marathons, including a 1:18 at age 56, and a 1:27 at age 61. A personal running coach, Rick has been president of the Colonial Road Runners in Williamsburg, Virginia since 1994.