I’ve noticed lines between my eyes and on my forehead. What can I do for them?

Wrinkles, or lines on our faces are characterized as dynamic or static. The dynamic lines give us our facial expression, but as we get older, the repetition of muscle movement begins to leave permanent impressions in the skin called static lines. It is these lines that we see in the mirror when we are not making facial expressions. So how can you reduce the formation of these lines? The most ideal way to prevent or reduce the prominence of these wrinkles is by weakening or paralyzing the muscles causing them. This can be done using a paralytic, one of which is named Botox. An anti-aging specialist injects this compound directly into the muscle. Once paralyzed, the muscles relax for two to four months. 

The cost of this procedure is based on the amount of the compound used, which varies based on the location and strength of the targeted muscles. Most specialists charge a per unit price or by the vial, so it is important to know what you are paying for. 

The most common concern regarding the procedure is the discomfort of the needle. Most clients find that there is very little discomfort due to the small needle size. Bruising is a side effect, but can be minimized by reducing the use of anti-inflammatory medications and some herbal supplements and fish oils. For more information, contact your local anti-aging specialist.

Steven C. Mares, M.D.
Erase the Canvas

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