People of all ages can be affected by infertility, and the age to seek help varies from person to person, but in the infertility world age 35 is when you enter “advanced reproductive age.”
Although 35 is not considered advanced in age under most medical circumstances, this is when a woman’s ovarian reserve begins to diminish. Women are born with a certain number of eggs, and they are not regenerated once they are released. For this reason, women’s health physicians recommend that people under 35 seek fertility assistance if they’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year or longer, and those over 35 who have been trying for six months. There are other factors besides age that need be taken into account when deciding whether to seek fertility help, such as weight, family medical history, and overall health. All of these factors can impact your ability to have a child.
No matter what age you are, if you have struggled for over a year to get pregnant you should seek assistance. There are simple tests that can give you better insight into your reproductive health and help you take the necessary steps in order to achieve your dream of family!