Platform: iPhone, Android
Developer: Foodcuate, Ltd.
Price: Free ($1.99 Pro; has in-app purchases for add’l features)
Fooducate is like having an accountability partner and a network of peers in your pocket. The app is easy to set up. Just create a login and password, or login using Facebook. From there you enter your profile and goals. The app tells you the amount of calories necessary to achieve your goal and food points to keep you on track. Pro version features allow you to set health conditions (heart healthy eating, lowering cholesterol, pregnancy nutrition) dietary restrictions (vegan, vegetarian, no GMO) and allergy warnings. The app sends push notifications to remind you to use it when you set foot in a grocery store. Location must be turned on and you need to select your local stores.
Getting started is as simple as scanning a bar code. Fooducate then shows a thumbnail of the food, gives it a grade (uses the academic grading scale of A-F), shows the amount of calories, number of users who like the product, nutritional values, recipes, and comments from users. The app also recommends healthier alternatives and tells you what’s wrong or missing from the product.
If you’re a conscious eater, learning to eat smarter, or have dietary restrictions, this app is well worth the download.