Group Fitness Isn’t Just for the Ladies

Years ago, group fitness classes were a woman’s world. Men are now embracing the challenge of group fitness; It’s not all dance and choreography.

Despite a feminine stigma, cardio classes are drawing men that crave high-intensity interval training. Group fitness popularity coincides with a new optimal male aesthetic—it isn’t about the
giant bodybuilder anymore. Guys want to be lean, ripped and more functional. You can get that in a group setting.

Ready to lean out and tone up? Try these great class options:

Speed and Power

This athletic class is designed to create an environment that teaches the athlete how to use all aspects of muscular movement with increased athletic reaction. Form follows function. Build the tools for speed and you will be fast.

Benefit: Athletic strength is the product of increased muscular output while maintaining balance and joint function. Speed and power ensures perfect muscular balance and athleticism while increasing muscular power.

Give it a Try: Take a speed and power class if you are a serious athlete looking to increase performance, durability and athleticism.


A Tabata workout lasts four minutes, but it’s likely to be one of the longest four minutes you’ve ever endured. The structure of the program looks like this: workout hard for 20 seconds; rest for 10 seconds; complete 8 rounds. Pretty much any exercise works – squats, pushups, rows and other exercises that work your large muscle groups.

Benefit: Tabata training is considered high intensity interval training. This type of training increases both aerobic and anaerobic systems and can decrease body fat.

Give it a Try: If you’re short on time, need to switch up your program, or want to improve endurance and speed, incorporate this class into your routine and you will see results.


Mixed Martial Arts requires serious skill. A good fighter must be powerful, agile, mobile, coordinated and strong enough to manipulate and control opponents. The fighter must be fast enough to move in for takedowns or pull away from dangerous situations.

Benefit: MMA challenges both body and mind. These classes build endurance and speed and burn a whole lot of body fat. 

Give it a Try: If you’re looking to build muscle and burn fat (and a lot of calories) while learning self-defense techniques, try one of these classes.


CrossFit classes are a great way to meet friends while having fun and increasing your cardiovascular conditioning.

Benefit: CrossFit is an effective way to burn a high number of calories in a short period of time. Every WOD (workout of the day) is different so if you’re not bobbing 40 minutes on the elliptical, then this class might be just for you.

Give it a Try: Do CrossFit if you like competition and want to part of a community
of athletes who support and push each other.

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