Spring is a great time to start practicing twists and heart opening postures. The season of hope and renewal offers us fresh perspective on where we are and where we want to go. Sometimes change requires courage. One of the best ways to tune in to our own inner courage is by engaging in postures where we gently bend and open our chest more fully.
Benefits: Strengthens arms, legs, wrists and abdomen. Increases the flexibility of the back and wrists.
- Start by lying face down on the floor.
- Place your palms on the floor next to your chest. Spread your fingers wide and press firmly into each finger pad.
- Spread and press the tops of your toes firmly into the floor, engaging the muscles of your legs.
- Firm your shoulder blades and press your elbows in towards your sides. On an inhalation press into your hands and lift your chest forward and up. This is Baby Cobra, a good warm-up for full Upward Facing Dog.
- On your exhalation, release down to the floor and rest for a few breaths.
- Bringing your hands back to either side of your chest, place your palms on the floor and spread your fingers. Spread your toes firmly onto the floor, activating the muscles of the legs so that your knees come up off the floor. Activate the muscles of your belly as you begin to press into your hands and lift your chest. Gently lift your heart forward and up.
- Hold the pose for 3-5 breaths, being sure to keep your chin tucked in slightly to allow the back of your neck to lengthen.

baby cobra
(warm up)